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13. Innovations to LIFE

The innovations facilitate work because
the innovation increases success in the
work. The innovation improves work
but leisure also.


The innovations facilitate work because
the innovation increases success in the
work. The innovation improves work but
leisure also.

The improvement will come

The innovations add professional skill to
the human being because the innovation
directs to work according to the way,
new work. My study: The innovations


help most young people.

It gives help

Innovation 1: reporting and design of
     the story

Innovation 2: Improvement of the
     quality. Success

Innovation 3: The financing improves

Innovation 4: The financing improves

Innovation 5: The digital programme

Innovation 6: The selling is facilitated

Innovation 7: The financing improves

Innovation 8: Solving of problems 


When human being the skill is not
enough  in the work, the innovation will
bring more easiness during the day.
We have leisure During our 60% life.

Also the technology facilitates to our life.

I and others also are worried

The world developed for 200 years, in
1800 and the 1900's. The same
development  will now come during 20
years. The digital economy brings the


revolution to leisure and working. It is
a worrying life in the arrival.

I wrote in the newspaper that the digital
economy must bring help to us. Earlier
two days I wrote the newsper that the
forest cleans air. The forests absorb the
carbon dioxide poison to themselves
from the sky. Seppo Korpela Nokia Finland