This story has been shaped and enhanced by the
Digital Twin and Quality Better with 24 Quality
Sections. Savings, professionalism and speed
were achieved.
The song is followed by the symbol DT = Digital
Twin, We'll see what's almost done. 24 = 24
quality has been added to the story.
Tony's always amazed, a little scared.
already a body room in of the courtyard.
Tony says and wonders:
1. What are we doing in the body
John: - Henry changes his death garment,
tomorrow is Fake funeral.
DT, Quality, 24 improvement
The digital twin guides the story.
The programme of difficult solutions has
improved paragraph 15 into the story.
2. Stab wound to the door
John and Tony break into the body room.
John stabs a knife the open lock on the door:
The knife prevents the lock from being opened
from the outside. DT, Quality, 24 improvement
3. A large flower pot falls on the floor.
The men enter in the body room. Tony didn't see a
big 70cm high flower pot and flower. The flower
pot fell on the floor. Dirt and shrapnel fly over the
floor. DT, Quality, 24 improvement
4. The body coffin is open, the dead
people man is laughed at.
John opens the 1st body coffin. There's a man in
the body coffin. The dead people smiles greatly
with dentures. Men laugh a lot of facials. The
mouth is open because the body, the jawbones
are frozen in this position. Three men smile in
the body room spectacularly.
The body coffin's garment will be removed from dead
people. The body is stiff and the body was lifted to
the side of the body coffin.
DT, Quality, 24 improvement
John warned Tony, "Don't touch the carcass - you'll
get diseases and viruses. Tony is shocked, frozen,
stiff, amazed and speechless when the dead
people is treated with such contempt.
5. The body room in front a car came
The men are taking a hold on the dead people. The
frozen dead people falls to the floor and the man's
dented teeth roll over the floor.
A Comer knocks on the body room’ door And the
man tries several times to twist the lock open.
Unopened lock because knife is the inside of the
lock. The knife prevents the spring from rising.
DT, Quality, 24 improvement
John is 200 feet from the door and slightly smiling.
John will follow, when the knife blade prevents
the lock and door from opening. Naughty words,
profanity is heard A little. Perkele, Satana,
Jumalauti... The Man leaves flowers in front of
door and the car take away.
6. The dead people is lifted inside
the body coffin with the help of a
window curtain and shovel
John ripps down the window curtain.
Stripped-down and naked body lifted with the
help of a torn window curtain back in the body
coffin. The body falls on the floor. Tony's lifting the
dead people with the help of a shovel back into the
body coffin.
John: Carcass, you've already lived your life. Stay
where you are. DT, Quality, 24 improvement
7. The dirt is poured into the body
coffin on the dead people's face
The flower pot had fallen on the floor by accident.
John sweeps the shards and dirt out of the pot and
clears debris on top of naked dead people = on the
face... John throws window curtain and collect
other items in the body coffin. John kicks the
dented teeth into 15 pieces 30 feet to the wall.
John nails the lid of the body coffin and slams the
nails deep into the coffin. The nails sink deep into
the body coffin. DT, Quality, 24 improvement
John writes the body coffin on the cover
We thank you for your courtes
Tony's performance continues: he is shocked,
terrified, speechless, stiff, looking scared.
8. A small body coffin amazes,
scares, adds sadness
John and Tony notice the small, children's body
coffin behind the curtain. The length of the body
coffin is about 100 cm.
JOHN starts crying.
John kneels on the floor and starts crying in a
strong voice.
- How a small person can die – at a young age.
John opens the coffin solemnly and cries.
-I would have taken this (10-year-old) girl for myself
to support and support. Satan's drunk driver, was a
newspaper entry, a car ran over a child.
9. Flowers off near the man's body
coffin, flowers on the child's body
John still cries and gets nervous: he tells Tony to
bring a man's flowers on the table. John tear away
the notes of condolences to the man. He write new
condolences in the name of the child's 10-year-old.
DT, Quality, 24 improvement
John writes on notes
We mourn the child Lea's way out.
City Police
Condolences to our day's ray Lea
City Manager
We are in great sorrow.
City teachers and school pupils, etc.
Condolences for the Great Sorrow
Deputy Minister of Education
When you walk in the body room (size 22 m), there
a surprise comes. The in body room is There's still
a third body coffin. John opens the body coffin
and life shines on his face.
John strips her naked inside the body coffin. White,
tense Panties are always on.
10. John yells at Tony, who is far away:
A treasure found here
John: - Bring the camera, the video camera
with you.
- Tony: What treasures, a gold teeth?
Tony has 10 different facial eyes when he sees
18-year-old naked Spanish girl. near body
Tony's taking off white, tight. Panties.
Description stop.
Tony's face is going to have even weirder facial
features. 10 facial eyes more.
11. Tony laughs at the girl's genitals,
the laughs will be remembered
ohn: A lovely woman. You could marry in Spanish
girl. John writes new names for a 10-year-old girl
on the papers of flowers.
John, I have an idea, video me when you're behind the girl.
I'm going to play a video for everyone about how easily I've conquered
An 18-year-old Spanish girl.
He sings a love song. Happy facial eyes.
- I fell in love with you at first glance.
- We will be a happy marriage.
- I want to have children a lot.
- I love you very much. Why our path has gone
- We will be celebrating an engagement party soo
I'm sure the guys will ask me.
How could you conquer the Spanish girl?
Why do young people have to die
Then a long silence comes. John cries very little,
furious He walks to the open window.
trees and a mountain see in front of you. He
screams: Speech coverage 100 dB. 100 dB scream
turns back, echo, ring
The cry is so loud that the echo responds: Why young people
You have to die young.
The seniors are gardening, and they hear a scream:
Why do young people have to die young? Seniors
they're wondering about the screaming
DT, Quality, 24 improvement
John and Tony both take the flowers and take the
flowers to mom a gift. Let's. The End.
This film, part of the story, has been enhanced by
Digital Twin. Madness. Tony marry a dead girl.
It's a crazy show.