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13. Savings, successes, secrecy

Savings.  The digital programmes help 
young  people to succeed  in the work.
The digital  programme advises and guides
forward.  The problems become smaller.
The work also  is resisted.

Hiding_of_the_information1.JPGSavings of millions of euros it is an
advantage ...

I have been in the connection to the persons
of the culture sector. I have got a post, it is
without the sender's name.

The contents of the post reports

The film field does not need the
development. The digital economy is a
poison... to people.  The digital is
unnecessary  in the culture. The work

Weter_splashes1.jpgteaches. The young  people pass
by old (?)...



The new work methods secure success the
improvement of the quality in the
production forward = in service. It is possible
to direct the young people from another
side of the world for the success. The
digital  programmes secure a success. In the
helmet  the camera describes events.



Work the environment has been numbered.
The devices have been numbered. The
persons have been numbered. The work/
the tasks have been numbered. The quality
has been numbered.

It is succeeded, savings are obtained,

advantages are obtained


The success will leave when the pre-planning
has been secured. The Pre-planning work is
95% of the time. The digital programme
always guides forward. The problems arise
whenever the work is done. The digital
programme controls to solve the problems -
beforehand. The problems do not hamper a


We must talk with...

It is important that all the people understand
the objectives. We must talk in one of the
objectives. It is made to understand what are
goals in the work. We use digital programmes
to facilitate working. And the digital programme
takes the objectives
  towards the success. We
know the reasons for the failure -, already
beforehand, in our life.

A lot of new professions are created.
The investors, financiers and companies have
been satisfied from the young people's
thinking. Seppo Korpela Nokia Finland