4. The climate HELPS you if...
These are the values of the life.
We have spent the natural resources by the beginning of August. After August we will spend over the powers. The climate remembers even your small act. Less material to a refuse dump.
We spend more nature and raw materials than the nature produces a new one.
Big worry
The people spend common allowances over, September, October, November and December. Every year.
Climate the prevention of the change is easy. Do something every day. Pace the smaller coal foot traces.
Everything wish, that the environment is protected. The protection is cheaper than the correction of damages.
The Plastic waste is embedded 6 million tons to sea per year.
The saving of the climate is the milliard dollars of project.
Cycling - carbon dioxide does not ascend into the air.
The money moves, the jobs will come, the investments to the cleaning, the drawbacks of the climate in the world.
Material to the circulation
The new professions and jobs will be created during 20 years when the global warming is prevented.
An environment expert has predicted that the natural resources of the globe are spent 4 times more than the natural resources are. I do not know a decade... 2050??
These are the values of the life
Any materials not to the
refuse dump
The way of our life must be changed for the environment: we take less material to the refuse dump.
The world there is full of milliard products, materials. According to the estimate,
Europe would save 630 milliard euros by year 2025 when it is learned to reuse products, raw materials.
We will need more information when we recycle the old material. The used and extra raw materials are reused and nothing is wasted.
It is good to eat the fish to the environment.
The companies and financiers participate in the protection. Wish of companies: the protection of the environment must not be too expensive IMMEDIATELY and all the countries / the companies must be equally along.
The second countries must not live over the wings of the second countries.
The living in the home must be cheaper, less energy is consumed, the heat does not escape away.
Way of the life: It is less often gone by the car. The traffic pollutes 40%. Digital economy: The work and the information move electrically around the world.
We do not need to go ... The planning of the towns changes; the living and the services will be easily reached, I walk, I drive the bicycle, I use the public transport. .
We need inventors, new creation, innovations, Digi programmes, Internet in work, Internet in services, experiments. The reviving will begin when our proposals are not knocked out down.
The companies and financiers know: digital programmes, the Internet reduces the use of the energy, less carbon dioxide rises up.
The problems of the people they slow down the quality of the life. The wars spend natural resources, the prevention of the wars and crises. The EU and the trade with everybody prevent wars. Internet. Innovation.
The wars destroy built structures = waste
The protection of the environment is entrepreneurship. With all the countries the trade removes poverty, hates and gives millions of people a work. We understand all the countries. When the visit of the trade becomes money, the money can be spent on the environment's and the workers' protection.
.... must not waste , buy less, from the pack. Keep in a cold one.
The used raw materials must be brought into use again and be not wasted. 100 000 New jobs are created to the Europeans used products when it is taken into use again. The big step is taken in the helping of the environment. (Sitra). The objective of the EU is, to the the refuse dump the waste is not exported any more but the waste turns around into the new use.
The money is needed for the prevention of the climate change. The economic growth gives birth to the money in which case there can be financed, also study and development. The penniless countries are not able to protect nature. There must be created, the method the new and better technology, studies, the prevention of the climate change. The working does not the end in world.
Free higher education in Finland. We need more study, studying, inventions so that materials will not run out from the world.
University picture.
In the universities there is provided the basis to information and study.University of the Tampere safe studying (dagger). Seppo Korpela Nokia Finland