7. Competition. News. Help. Help for the helper
The soft tools are looked for the helping of the people in Finland. It is difficult to solve the adding of the know-how, the new work packs and another helping forward.

Quite new.
Contents of pages: 1. Post from world 2. The help is expected. You may benefit. 3. I offer better help for you. 4. Difficult work, when it helps people. The competition.
Post around world
The post has come from the world, Post tells: 
1. Do I get my life to the order?
2. What profession is the profession of the future?
3. My learning is slow. Know-how more.
4. In the work one does not feel happy.
5. Our life is uncertain.
6. The important information is hidden about young people. The wisdom of the adolescents is feared.
7. Women, girls and young people are
underrated down in the film field. It is unpleasant to experience it.
8. The money is not enough for the living, the studying weakens.
9. My life is not in the balance. I keep company with the girl.
The people want to get out of the difficulties
The difficult doctrines into the foreign people's use also. The big project is coming to Finland. Much money is spent on the finding of the solution a state of a country, people, economy, homes and the others when one wants to cure.

The people of foreign countries have been interested what soft tools for the helping of the people are invented in Finland.
Is inventing of the help successful, help to the people's difficulties : for finding of the know-how?
Do we succeed in getting large numbers of people to along the assistance work? It it is difficult to get people along because the objective is difficult. The competition ends 13th 2nd 2017. After that the development matter is openly talked. The part of the matter is still with secretly.
I have been the development project, these web pages thrillingfilmfinland.com already more than 2 year time.
The pages contain the development matter. My objective has been to create a service better, already for a long time, because
I have life values and objectives to create help for the people. The objective must be a tool especially to the young people -, permanent help, year after year. The work of the developing must be financed itself, the country does not give money after year 2018.
The post contains of the life of the expectations

This is a request for help. Tell your friends about this developing work so that to my web pages visitors will come more. When there are many visitors on my pages – it is an affirmative matter. Somebody get 1 million euros the work. The competition ends 13.2.2017. Does my project get help for my web pages, to improve by some euros – and to you?

Other offers will come to my proposal next 10 computer programs + the companys. There are already 2 millions of the same like companies. What do the people get after this? I have got post from the world: Unpleasant writings + post and young people behind back of the people. The best solution is not brought out for the helping of the people. The 3 different wrong informations spread around world.

Around the world there are the 3 different wrong informations: 1. The smugglers tell to dark peoples: The people are sold about money to the criminals. The passport is taken away. The relatives fall in the danger also.
The smuggler deceives and of gives the wrong information.. Come along, you will get a job, a free apartment, free food in Europe. Go with me. Photo: OM helpers visit to warn at schools: Your relatives will go to the danger if...
Crooked swindlers number 2

2. In the west the professors lead countries to the crookedness: For the country and the homes to live to be a debt is worthwhile – the whole rest of life (even though there are no tax revenues). The reforms of the laws and economy must not be made.
It is good to prevent the trade
with different countries. It is
the trade racist.

3. The secret e-mails spread around the world: The women, girls and young people must not be given the valuable information. The film field is an example.
The difficult work of the developing: Here contents among others:

The people have thought how the life would change when you get little successes and
know-how more. Which skills would you go in more forward? Which skills would your life start in still better?
My difficult work, but big
help for the people

According to my interview, the people have the unused and silence professional skill and know-how in the warehouse. Have you had time already to think how you could tell about the experience and skills for the helping of others. Even the small improvements are necessary because they grow to be big help.
What will the life give to you
when you get more successes
and skills to live?
From foreign countries post
Make about the pages of

mine the own web pages
to yourself. Free
Could we translate the texts of your web pages into the own language of my country? We could do the same pages China? To own native language.
It fits on all the languages. OK.

More Pages, texts will come. The photographs and texts are free. My manuscript of the film must not be copied. Copyright by me.
My condition:

When a text is copied, the contents must be of the same values of the life. Move life values from my pages to your own pages. The economic growth is promoted forward, the new jobs are created. The companies are supported so that the jobs will be preserved in our country. The reforms are promoted forward so that it will be developed forward. Digital programmes which help forward a life. From my pages et cetera.
Remember to bring the good values
of the life to the web pages. It is my condition. Values of the life a lot. Seppo Korpela Nokia Finland