214. THE WORLD'S FIRST CONTROLThe world's first control the digital programme controls the short film. education, manuscript et cetera. The extension will be coming to the education. (The head film the man that has been buried twice) The will of the investor: Short film, teaching in 44 countries, the film can be freely made. There is no obstacle. The short film is not paid with own risk but the teaching will come. I transmit the investor's will to other people. 500 000 euros for the good education etc. Disappointment. Time: during long time period. The world's first digital programme is controlling the short films. Education also. The digital programme is unfinished. The development is resisted. 500 000 euros was coming in 1st will to the work of high life values: we succeed more easily in the life we learn easily, digital tools, no racism the women's value up we make films we prevent with doctrines not carbon dioxide to the sky The small Gospel association came in-between –the money has disappeared out of the development work. I have heard swearwords from the world. THE DEVELOPMENT WORK OF HIGH LIFE VALUES IS SLOWING DOWN. _________________________________________________________ Photograph The Chinese's goals are correct The Chinese have hoped for the cooperation. The use of digital tools would be interesting in written work, planning, development work. Experts: film the high quality would raise the interestingness and cooperation of the country.
Photograph China is becoming the super contry
The Chinese are asking What will the Chinese get when we learn with a digital tools more? What will we lose if we do not achieve results with digital tools.
Photograph China's 2 most iimportantgoals ________________________________________________________________ Professional skill, learning, successes, satisfaction more
The digital programme disapproves of the selfishness (only I 1, 2 people learn in the making of the film). My demand: professional skill, learning, success of t he people, solution of problems it is cosy in the work, and such like. forward. How do I get successes? How is the developing of the use of the digital programme begun? An organisation would be directed along in different countries. I cannot be along in the directing and it is done, when for 15 minutes short film is made. I create a new one so that the professional skill and know-how of the others will increase; there is no time. THE DEVELOPMENT WORK OF HIGH LIFE VALUES HAS SLOWED DOWN. Demonstration Time: Film during long time period. The world's first short film controlled by the digital programme. Education. The digital programme is unfinished. But my development is resisted. The trusteeship of Pirkanmaa, Maistraatti, Tampere slow down the supply of money. The small Gospel association moved development money away.
the photograph reports: Long pesriod of the time In 44 different countries the doctrines are used Right to make the short film according with a digital programme / the manuscript. The will of the investor is that in 44 countries the teaching films, one can do - during separate years. Please. Freedom to do on the basis of the manuscript. Shape other yourself Short educational film. According to Seppo Korpela's digital programme manuscript. Some words must be unchanged so that, understanding and teaching, the warning to the people is understood. Unchanged words, the sentences have been darkened.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the photograph reports: try to fill the part goal daily. Short educational film. According to Seppo Korpela's digital programme manuscript. Some words must be unchanged so that, understanding and teaching, the warning to the people is understood. Unchanged words, the sentences have been darkened. Helsingin sanomat
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the photograph reports: a face's expressions tells The money disappeared from a good purpose The contents begin: 1. Man 1 investor: - My godboy will come to us. Background: Design and formulate an environment itself, additional discussions. Hope of the man actor: the man actor has been appreciated, veteran, an actor. it is chosen. 2. Man 2 who emptied money from the bank account of a pensioner, investor (a man 2) 200 000 e). 2. Man, preacher, exporter of money: - It is not talked to anybody 500 000 euros that I have moved money and wealth out of you. Background: the money had been meant for the help readers and to the development work. 3. Make an own name for the persons. The development money must be refunded a part Transferor of the money, what money you hid under the tablecloth? Background: Formulate 3 persons' expressions et cetera yourself. Wish: The Finnish swearwords are used: Saatana = Satana, Perkele, Jumalauti, Helvetti. 4. Man 3: - Bad man, refund every money back to the investor. 5. Man 3 turns over the table of the exporter of the money. At the same time the man 2 also falls over the floor with chairs. WARNING. Quality of the digital programme the programme contains better: THE ACCIDENT MUST NOT COME. The exporter of the money can hit his head to the floor. True event: The man walked to near the refrigerator, the floor was slippery. The man falls over the floor and his head hits to the floor. Funeral. Make the safety, cooperation with the persons. Broad pads on floor to which the preacher's head hits. The expressions report a lot. FORMULATE THE EXPRESSIONS OF THE 3 PERSON'S FACE WHAT do the expressions of the face tell? for example man 1 will laugh wonderful, rare laughter for a long time when the transferor of the money lies over the floor. 5. Exporter of money, clearer of bank accounts: - I ring my lawyer. 6. The event continues outside. Shape yourselves... Background: Design, shape yourselves. Factory ’it is seen ’near 1 home yard husband of the investor. 6. The event continues outside. Shape yourselves... Background: Design, shape yourselves. The factory is seen near 1 home yard, the husband of the investor. The exporter of money sees demonstrators, the women's ass -, the exporter of money is disapproved of 7. Man 3 is lifting the exporter of money, man 2 to a 2 metre height on to the wall of the building. OK. 8. The workers have eaten and take the break. Invent a reason why young women comes to the yard to 3 persons. (A shout, quarrel.) The women will come to the yard of the investor during the lunch hour. Because money 66 000 euros was to move out of the account. The t ransfer failed. Therefore 66 times of the young women's arse, ass (sorry my language) are shown to the exporter of the money. CREATE THE EXPRESSIONS OF THE PEOPLE'S FACES, SHOW? The accident must not come when the exporter of money is raised to a 2 metre height and men is NAILED from the trousers and arms close to the wall. Industrial safety discussions with the persons and virtual display. 9. The attorney drives to the yard and shouts. ( a fine German Mersu.) from the account. The money sum is not true. 'WE DENY, WE DENY, WE DENY, The attorney: 'The money has been falsified' True event: I heard and saw in my mother's trade: Dark, mentally handicapped woman: Has mincer meat been made from of the human's meat ? True event: The dark woman died: The woman's home, field, forest went to the attorney with the will (it plotted). The property had to go to the Red Coss of Word help for the people, not to the attorney.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A sheep or dog, cow, horse shits shit to the attorney's clothes. BIG LAUGHTERS = You made high value to your work. DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL DIFFICULT SOLUTIONS: There is a soft shit inside the plastic tube and the shit is blown on the attorney's clothes. (The spectator does not see a plastic tube.) The animal has been led near the lawyer. |
We will find roads to the removal of problems and
to the helping of the people. Successes more.
to the helping of the people. Successes more.