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America 2

American know-how, knowledge and 
experience are in many works 20 years  
ahead of Europe.

During Cold War superiority and progress
of the United States upwards    it added
secret powers against the people of the
United States.

First the blackening was the normal and small.
The blackening did not become a drawback.
Blackening and secret already in the 1960's the
operation of groups was systematic. For
example Cuba stole  the peoples' property of

The Europeans began to suffer from  The
secret groups.    The armament increased
from the network payers' money, the trade
was resisted, jobs not, the wage level and
suchlike did not rise.

Co-operation will help
both parties Europe and
the United States.

The socialist economy went downwards.
The Western countries went upwards. In
the Western countries there were
opponents of the development so that the
socialist countries will not fall behind. It was
damage to Europe.

The American people helped the peoples of
Europe in the 1960s century, to the European
quality of life is would drop down to 300 - 400 %.

Only new and better
development will
secure us

Internet of Things. Internet creative work,
information technology creates more billions
of euros / dollars.  And millions of  new jobs.
It is to be involved in the development.

The American people helped the peoples of
Europe in the 1960s century, to the European
quality of life is would drop down to 300 – 400 %.

if you walked, you assembled, you telephoned,
I read a social democratic paper, you listened
to the foreign radios, Beatles and Elvis  disk
were  with you

= the contents are naughty   
I hurried under the earth.  

Read script

Secret police have the right
to penetrate into the home.

A. The right to examine your home
B. The right to arrest the person
C. The right to imprison a person
D. the right to take a person away from home
Although the secret police have no evidence.

o    o           o         o                   o   o
Amerikkalainen osaaminen, tieto ja kokemus
ovat monessa työssä 20 vuotta edellä Eurooppaa.

Kylmänin sodan aikana Yhdysvaltojenin
paremmuus ja-  eteneminen ylöspäin  lisäsi 
salaisia  voimia Yhdysvaltojenin  kansaa

Yhteistyö tuo apua molemmille osapuolille l
Euroopalle ja Yhdysvalloille.
Vain uusi ja parempi kehitys luo turvaa meille

Teollinen internet. Internet luovissa
töissä, tietotekniikka luo lisää miljardeja
euroja/dollareita liikevaihtoa ja miljoonia uusia
työpaikkoja. On oltava mukana kehityksessä.

Amerikan kansa auttoi Euroopan kansoja 1960-
luvulla, jotta eurooppalaisten elämän laatu ei
laskisi alaspäin 300 - 400 %.
Sosialistinen talousjärjestelmä pääsi tulemaan
Eurooppaan ja laski monen valtion elintasoa
ELÄMÄN LAATUA 300 - 400 %.  Seppo Korpela
Nokia  Finland