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18. Help for the companies
- everybody

A better and safer life will be possible when
there  is time to think what is the best in the
life. The digital  programme is helping to the

steps better future.



Big need to get out  of  the

problems.  Protection to life

There are many pages here: The companies
and persons have many problems. The quality
of the life calculates down. The problems are
top secret.

The companies have a need to succeed and
to get support how the problems disappear.
There are tested methods for the removal
of problems. I saved 8-9 companies from the
death.  167 persons  were not  forced to  be 
an   unemployed. I helped 17 companies to
develop forward, the quality and value better
and other. Why_why_kysymyksia.JPG

The representatives of companies write and
report: The artificial intelligence is not
interested in the helping of the staff.

For success easily

The artificial intelligence is made to succeed
if the  artificial intelligence be designed for 
the supporting the staff. IT IS FAILED: the staff
has been forgotten.

Head the attention is the reducing of the
problems of the company.

The artificial intelligence does not succeed
because the artificial intelligence does not
help forward a staff – enough.


The artificial intelligence must

not do wrong to the film field

Wrong done: Unsuccessful against the staff.

Artificial intelligence friend of

the staff

The weakest link in the introduction of the
artificial intelligence is not the technique of the artificial intelligence but the forgetting of the
staff. The artificial intelligence is built RIGHT:

the own life of the staff speeds up learning,
adding and the doing of the value of the
professional skill in the work.


The pages are unfinished

The successful works add the success of the

Artificial intelligence and digital

programme   according to staff

The artificial intelligence / digital programme
succeeds only – the artificial intelligence is
made   ALSO to help the staff.

2 people are too little

The study

2 persons from 1000 persons create new
value to the work a very many.


  2 persons are too little. For example a lot more value must be  obtained to the texts at the film field.

New more creators are needed
– the welfare increases.

The post of my home region invented the first
bicycle. The bicycle ran with the kicks of the
human being After 1850's.
(Suodenniemi, museum)

The artificial intelligence it has been done right.
The use of the artificial intelligence will
succeedwhen the staff is got to discuss and
inform  beforehand already a year.

A. We have these wishes.

B. We want to learn more these skills.


C. The teaching and the technique are an understandable language. D. The problems of the growth are removed from the front of people. The films are made with big groups – on sthe artificial intelligence and digital programme with a help. We will get 3 times more successes and improvements when we talk in a social medium about the problems and wishes.

The artificial intelligence

teaches the new work ways

itself and facilitates  a work



The worrying messages from Italy:

Italy wastes, others cost

the debts of the Italian

Greece caused to 450 million Europeans
money problems. Italy's damage is 10 times
bigger and  debts  than Greece.


In Italy is spaded to the people money from
the banks. The country gets  poorer but the
EU law acts: The citizens of 27 EU countries
pay milliard supports to Italy's banks to the

Difficult the depression’s years and milliard
euros away can come around the world to
the companies and people – from Italy.


We must prepare beforehand for difficult
recession’s years. Money to saving. No
foolish purchases, no big investments.

A rescue already beforehand

The people's life must not

go down

Product, service the film must be cheaper,
better, of higher quality. The artificial
intelligence, digital programmes, quality
better. The works are planned already
beforehand with qualitity.

Many questions have blown

about around


1. HOW would you like to learn new
information and new work ways ?

2. WHAT matters would you like to learn

3. WHAT will be your OBJECTIVE when you
produce a more value to the service?

people appreciate?

5. WHAT PROBLEM will prevent new learning
when you are in the   doctrine?

6. You will get help when you are in front of
the programme.


7. What expectations do you have from the
improvement of work, professional skill, free
time? The know-how will be increasing when
we work together. The films are made with
big, human groups, – with the artificial
intelligence and digital programme.

Bad quality. Few objectives.

The  security will not come. We

are   afraid Quality_of_a_hospital.jpg

There are big differences in the level of the
entertaining of the people. I have been afraid
to  the bad QUALITY. The 24  parts of  the
quality   must be along in the work. 

Quality of a hospital and doctor in 1700's

Film company: BAD LUCK. 40 changes have
been made, the descriptions, manuscripts,
descriptions have been renewed, the
unnecessary work and money have gone away
and other.

The success learning

Study. The persons succeed and get
interesting work, threats will not come when
the persons  can divide problems into parts. 
Why?   Why?
Much variation of the quality will come to the
service. Every human being is different,  the
human being has led different lives...
Research  result: The people have answere:


- I have worked already for 8 years in the
same   way.

- It is easy to make work  with an old work
way. The digital programme has not taught
a   new way to work.

- I am considered strange. - I have not done
before  this work. - I have seen that the work
in the film is  done about a different way.

- I  have  always done  this way (’he has an
irritating   habit  of doing service’)


- I am a difficult human being in the work.

- I said when the computer came: it is not
needed. I learn...

- I not can, I cannot make better quality to
the people.

- I do not know the consumers' demands, a
quality is not needed with the consumers.

- It is unnecessary, it will suit the people
when there is not other to offer.

Intranet Link the doing's of film's exact
’quality measures ’, Actors. no. 1

Work is done wrong and upside down.

Link The work is easily done 2.                                 

Quality  mistake  of the lion  - it did not notice me

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