5. Free trade, prices fall away
The present to 1 milliard people
The free trade reduced the poverty of 1 milliard people. Jobs will come more.
The breaking of the dream of the human being ends. The taking of prices up ends, the keeping of prices high ends.
TTIP and TTP must be changed into the trade which helps people.
The young people secure of the future. Do the people understand the big matter? Build a new free trade with 156 countries altogether.
The arrivals and the welfare will more again come to 1 milliard people. (Open trade, Spaniard Arancha Gonzáles). The open trade also is good.
1. The work will come more. 2. The prices fall down because the customs go away.
3. The companies make products and services which help people. They can be freely bought at the Free trade. 100 devices / the machine has been made, they help the climate with clean. The free trade promotes sales forward. The hand straightens for the climate.
4. Why are opponents of the Free trade? Opponents: At our family there is friends, entrepreneurs. The Free trade would prevent our company’s prices about the taking up. This is the demonstrators' trouble no. 1.
When there is the Free trade, the keeping of prices up will end. This is the demonstrators' trouble no. 2.
The Free trade requires calculation of the prices of the products and services down. This is the demonstrators' trouble no. 3.
The Free trade the deceit ends, the lie price ends. The Free trade ends the hiding of high prices. The free trade finishes breaking of the weak people.
China is creating ownfree trade with the states of Asia. EU and America will go downwards, China goes forward – Wise.
The people of Asia want to secure and to build to the young people's future, the economic growth up and more money. The removal of the poverty of 1 milliard people interests 6 milliard people.
When there is economic growth, money will
come and it is helped for the better environment.
Internet with services Picture. The service branches increase . Raw materials of the world are saved. A Coal industry has been industry earlier.
I get much post. The secret groups design the wrong acts so that the life will go to a bad
direction. The wrong acts have been thought of for years. Seppo Korpela Nokia Finland