4. Guarantee, problmes away and...
The problems are obtained away 8 steps remove problems. Economy of the countrys, companies and household the matters will be made better when economy + functions is reformed. Advantages and reforms are found for the helping of the people.
I made The grant fetching (the help money), 565 pages. Objective: More help and advantage to the young people. There are 300 other pages. Altogether signs 1 million. Contents:
The young people are helped forward, along there are an innovation, improvements, development... The first The grant fetching I did not get money, the help. Will I get in December 2016?
The post has come from
the world to me
Persons telling why you did not get: Australians: Allianssi is an agreement. It is an Australian innovation. The parties of the group are honest to each other. The tax authorities / the authorities are not deceived, a deceit not with the people. (A honesty) the The Allianssi... The deceit is not made with the business (I myself do not take a stand of the rejection.)
The Post from American women. In the film the women's value is raised up. The valuable information is not hidden innovations and technological improvements = the inventions are advanced. You have 15 life values.
But, but the secret unions
the secret groups resist.
The reforms are resisted
I get anonymous post. The post proposes to tell about… The young people would not be allowed and the young people must not go, past... the parents,
to learn TOO THE VALUABLE METHODS. (I do not accept...)
In the countries the wrong information about the economy should be shared. Wrong information about the helping.
Post from world:
Secret groups, secret the unions operate up and are in contact to with others the secret groups – on world. Experts: E-mail The secret groups hide well a information.
My plans: 1 million signs, 1000 pages
are changed into the innovations, doctrines, valuable advantage, help. Digital economy and programmes and such like. I move the matter. The mistakes of the English language come out. It is not time to the mistakes.
The life values of the web pages and of operation
not the racism
the women's value up
the economy growth up. Economy so that it will be succeeded
the poor homes / familys away
The digital programmes help work and services
I talked on the exhibition / in seminar 27.9. It is talked about little the help of digital programmes.
200 milliards e the damage will come when the REFORMS are resisted and
the secret unions operate around us. The valuable information is hidden, the reforms are resisted.
The page is unfinished. the text and the pictures will come