423. MORE BUSINESS INCOME AND WAGE INCOME. WE SUCCEED__________________________________ I have received inquiries, what kind of stories, events, movies _______________________________ PRODUCTIVITY IN THE FILM INDUSTRY DIFFERENT FROM IN INDUSTRY I have been directing industrial companies to succeed. Industry productivity means: you make more kilograms, pieces, meters, savings, etc. By the strap. My prediction: Productivity isn't really going up in public education, Education is not significant. Bad things come.
Successes and thanks made in film companies ______________________________ ___________________________ I have received mail from abroad. The letters ask if you have suggested some kind of scholarship as you move forward 8 high life values. I did not receive a grant for the helpers of these pages. The letters referred to... If you don't get the money, the issuer (Cultural Foundation) can deal with racism and to reduce injustice in an understated way. The fight against the climate threat is also downplayed. The same negative habits have been observed abroadreducing racism and injustice. Tell 8 about the understatement of the value of life worldwide on your website. Thank you My mentor has been Professor Matti Pohjola for 30 years. I have a professor's written research and writings. Matti Pohjola's advice can be used to achieve to the rise in life. I have changed the professor's guidelines for the film industry and learning. 1. We need to take on new ways of working and learning use because they allow productivity Rises. Productivity gains improve wages, business income and we are doing well. When the increase in workload helps the entire state to help When labor productivity rises, taxes can be lowered, increase The economy will be put in order. The world is ruled by politicians but politicians do not control economic affairs. There is a lack of know-how, and difficulties in the countries continue. The world's first low-carbon film production. The world has a lot |
We will find roads to the removal of problems and
to the helping of the people. Successes more.
to the helping of the people. Successes more.