Pisa: Education + Learnin
Young people are asked what are the three most important words in young people's lives.
When you visit schools, studying, receives the profession, then life is ensured. When a person has learned life skills, have the strength to walk the way upwards. It is important that good THE CONTENT WILL BE FREE OF TIME.
Equality is improved, poverty and Inequalities reduced when obtained export revenues. Economic growth is important
The PISA study and researcher advise teachers: Teacher Having regard to the student, the reader, an employee of the school. People learn in different period of time. Humans have free time to 60%
Teaching researchers:
Finnish teaching does not amount to read too much, when you are taught things. Education should not be compulsion - read.
Finnish teaching respect for human culture, lifestyle, expectations, and more.
The PISA study and researcher advise teachers: Teacher Having regard to the student, the reader, an employee of the school. People are different and learn in different period of time.
Learning is successful when used for learning tools and support. Taught skills and doctrines, needed 2-8 years after as well.
For variety, the different educational places, practical work imported into the teaching process.
Not alone reading.
Our data transferred to the towers of the towers. Digi time to bring new jobs and improvement, when we do so.
Internet helps footbol players Internet in creative work.
Finnish Professor Matti Pohjola Internet at work should be 50 billion to help life - by 2025. Photo Finnvera
Society as a whole is growing, as we know and we know more. We improve products and services to the people.
The economy improves, the state's export revenues. Equality is improved, poverty and Inequalities reduced when obtained export revenues. Economic growth is important.