6. Digital guides and...
The digital programme, the automatic machine guides, advises, keeps important - the quality is obtained to the story / film in the planning.

Automatic machine knows
The work will succeed when the work becomes ennobled better and higher. The automatic machine is more wise than a human being.
Wrong of the part quality is a trap
The wrong improvements of the quality have been designed against young people. Uber of the film field tries to prevent quality and feeling happy downwards. The young workers are not able to act by psychologic expressions.
The secret intrigue of the quality
Now the improvement of the quality is searched for about a small one a part of the factor. The expressions and the muscles will be a part factor, when one acts the story. (Post:) The young workers do not know the movements of the muscles and the expressions of the face. 50 pieces of muscles. It is wrong. Many other factors are raising the
quality up. The quality is distorted by the movements of muscles.
The weaknesses of the young people are looked for
The second example. An attempt is made to increase the quality by the violence. The polices from world: The examples not to Isis terrorists. The violence is the secret intrigue of the quality.
Wrong road to the quality. The story is acted over
The red lines are muscles in my drawing, 50 muscles. A wrong example. The doorbell rings. The man will come and says passionately: Against you it is plotted.
The woman X is getting a child, a father is not known. From the middle-aged actor's 50 meats started to operate. The body moves. It is shown. The speaker turns upwards, downwards, to the left, to the right. The hands are in the fist, from 50 meats moves, when the actor talks.

This movements of muscles is one part of the quality. Only one part. The secret intrigue of the quality.
The quality. Stop - to the same to descriptions
Uber of the film field tries to prevent the copying and imitating of other films. The same events were lately. In the films there has been copies 10 000 times. The description is not connected to the story. Uber of the film field asks Why?
The examples. 1. The car passes other cars, it has been ordered to laugh in the descriptions.
2. The weapons are used against the people and are fought with the people. It has been ordered to kill fast.

3. There are people in the restaurant. It has been ordered to swing the body in every direction, smile + the hands up. 4. Girls, women and young people will be underrated when there is the worker of the film. 5. Matter on weekday: do you eat, you drink, you saw Isabel yesterday? It is a page matter in the story.
Uber … it serves people and workers
The Uber the film field proposes more demanding so that the value of the entertainment will rise up. the work becomes ennobled to a high value.
We succeed forward. The professional skill of the workers is increased up. The information of the doing is not hidden.
It is a worry about the global warming. The global warming is prevented by work. By. The work is done with the help of the digital programme. It is an objective that the

professional skill, the know-how and the good practices increase into the work. Separate work ways, the ways of the different life should be reformed by 16 000 milliard euros so that the climate will not warm, during 14 years.
Reforms the power not to the same
But but... The reforms of the film field are resisted because the posts around the world turn. The e-mail has gone to the wrong addresses. Message of e-mail: Reforms not – we the power of the middle-aged decreases down. Has the post come to Finland? I do not understand, it is not needed
The new values of the life and quality system should be created to the film field. The quality and the entertainment consist of the 12 part. Values of the living: The women's share in the story is at least 30% and demanding work and other. Seppo Korpela Nokia Finland