4. Stop, the crookedness and the USA
The administration of the United States makes big damage to people and to 180 countries. The people's understatement away, because the studying weakens down. The study: Milliard people's understatement calculates the people's desire to learn, to read, to develop forward.
Scholarship, but
the secret e-mails
I have made many matters. The standard of work has risen over my brain. I made very difficult plans to help the people. 2 plans,
1. The help will come. I participate in the competition how more welfare is obtained and how all the people are got along. The know-how increases in the life.
The e-mail contains the young people's matter
The e-mail contains the young people's matter. The post has gone to the wrong address.
2. I sent the scholarship application, 445 pages: The Uber of the film field and improvement of the quality and other. Objective: the young people succeed in the life. The young people should be raised up. I have got post: The secret e-mail spreads from one country to another.
It will be good when
it is talked
3. I have thought about my difficult work. I have got post. In the post one reads: In the film field the women, girls and young people must not go forward –threat to the middle- aged people. The financial matters of the film field are secret. We disapprove of openness and helping of the others. We disapprove of the quality system, we will create the quality indicators ourselves if the indicator is needed.
I have discussed with the people of the film field. Wrong plans behind the honest and good people's back. 6 milliard people must not group, good – bad human being.
Bad axle
1. Problem: The United States, administration: The people are grouped to the 2nd class, a good or a bad human being. 3 milliard women have been criticised down.
Trade war lowers the
standard of living
2. Problem: The United States administration, trade war. 180 countries hope, No the war. The freedom. The made products one can sell. About 3 milliard people can do work. The poverty begins. Walls, obstacles are not built on the border of the country.
Britain wants to have
free interests
The people's discrimination is hidden
Brexit, Britain is discriminating against the people of 180 countries. The big country is being made from Britain. Britain negotiates advantages to itself but matters secretly. Britain is not paid, anything of the advantages. If there are been friends, matters will not be hidden. Margaret Thatcher: The people's welfare will come when it is traded in. Poverty researcher: The trade with all the countries has reduced poverty about 1 milliard people.
The quality of the
entertainment is wrong
The reforms are resisted
3. The crookedness, pressure and supremacy increase in the film field. The women have sent post to me this way from the American from the film school: Wrong direction.
- the high quality will come to the cinema when you kill the people fast.
- the acts of the killing will be practised for a long time.
- the weapons of the killing are designed in the plastic factories, the new forms and sizes.
- the matters are agreed on with the people. The agreements do not keep, their place. - In America the cost prices can be 10 times higher than elsewhere. 180 countries do not have money.
- the film party is a theatre, exaggeration, images, a supremacy up. The Isis terrorists' eyes happy about the Americanism.
Post from separate countries: The violence films are the good example to the Isis terrorists. The isis terrorists buy Americans the violence films.
The videos are watched smiling on the camps education. Hard the terrorists clap America toward.
From China, it is hoped:
Help and cure forward
China is coming to the help, spread information. The bad solution is Hollywood. The powers are combined with Europe and with other countries. The cooperation in trade, science, culture and in other. The trade war not because the sales of the products and services decrease down in the trade war. The trade war speeches break economic growth. China has respectful life values, when the United States compares. Seppo Korpela Nokia Finland