216. DIGITAL TWIN BRINGS BENEFITSThe Digital twin guides for the better. Inside the computer there is 24 quality for the better instructions for successes, productivity, professionalism, etc. Digital twin brings benefits. Digital twin = you're looking at a half- finished story + you're correcting the story 25 quality sections. The film, novel Copyright by the author Teaching is free. ________________________ Another dead person is taken out from the hearse. _____________________ Henry and Tony break inside the morgue. Another dead person is taken out from the hearse. Henry throws the deal person into the flowing river. How do you solve the problems? ___________________ Even small unfinished stories, events and especially difficult, technical stories = problems will be solved are taken away through the Digital twin. ____________________ What quality improvement means have added to the story, to the event IMPROVEMENT? A job is distributed to another = delegation. Solve the problems together. 2. Improve quality. 3. I add enjoyment at work and during learning. 4 I'm preventing failure. 5. We add value to the work. ______________________ It would not be allowed to distribute advantages The young people in the film field must not develop too fast. It is not desirable, to tell good ideas publicly in the net. Many people have had to learn without the help themselves. We do not tell matters, the others would benefit. _____________________ Letter to me from foreign countries: It would not be allowed to give advantages to one another. A letter from a bad person. The Digital twin directs to make better quality The Digital twin is the film, story, videos, photographs narration nearly ready. But problem. The quality is not real-time. Better the information, the education not a today. Improvements, comments and such like are changed and the the film of contents change. The digital twin demands the quality better programme in his parallel. |
We will find roads to the removal of problems and
to the helping of the people. Successes more.
to the helping of the people. Successes more.