303. HENRY'S LIE FUNERALFALSE FUNERAL IS PLANNING. They lied to people's faces. Last rehearsal before a lie funeral ____________________ Photo: Men aren't second in a false funeral. Laura: - We see a lot of relatives at funerals and a lot of people know Henry. Are we going to make it? Are we going to find out if we're going to have a fake funeral, 1,500 people will notice. Henry, Laura, John, Amanda, Professor, there are two sentinels. Now Let's rehearse the confidant of a fake funeral for the last time. Henry has been threatened and harassed a lot. Henry wants to disappear and start a new life with a new name, among other things.
___________________________ A living dead man walks forward in white clothes The body coffin is being brought - it's a strange sight. Henry's wearing white dead clothes, dead man's clothes. Seeing white clothes and a coffin is a stopping sight. People's faces get serious. Everyone dies sometimes and every person goes into a similar state – the body coffin. Henry's going to lie in the body coffin. __________________ THE body COFFIN IS A RESTING PLACE. 1. Henry: - This position in the body coffin is that of 7 billion people last resting place. 2.Amanda: -How do you feel now ...? The resting place of 7 billion people, the body coffin, early? 3. Henry, what day was I supposed to die? 4. Professor: I need a day of death, too, I write a fake car crash in the newspaper of the news. There's a car crash photo. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Department of Difficult Solutions, Film Production (We're looking for a mountain road, a mountain road. Henry's car falls down a long way.) Better quality with 24 quality parts. What does cost to have a car crashing in the film? Helicopter lifts a empty car to 20 meters high, and drops. Crashed car is lowered off truck platform xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________ 5. Is your conscience clear when you ascend to heaven? The bad man and the others aren't going to haunt you anymore, and they're not going to bother you. 4 months of teasing ends. Laura asks curiously. 6. John, where did you bring such beautiful death clothes from? (Reminder: John went to steal the clothes of death in the morgue; the body coffin was opened.) Laura has a quirky expression on her face and asks Laura asks curiously. 7. John, where did you bring such beautiful death clothes John: amazed - wonders. A suave, laughing look, laughs; raises the hand to increase its voice. ________________________ Don't fart in the body coffin, church Laura: 9. In the body coffin, Henry's breathing movements are not visible. Henry dos not move and sneeze when relatives and Friends are 1 meter from your body coffin? People close to you walk Past your open coffin. The body coffin is open. (There has no oxygen to breathe in the sealed body coffin. )
_________________________ Amanda: 10. If we fail to arrange with the funeral. My nerve is broken if the lie is revealed, Henry is living with in the body coffin.
___________________ PROFESSOR: THE ARRIVAL OF FARTS MUST NOT BE PREVENTED Professor: 11. If Henry farts or moves in the body coffin, Let'stell people Henry has a lot of intestinal gases. squeezing to
the body diagonally.
Amanda: 12. Then be you by Henry's body coffin and be ready to say to the funeral people ... According to medicine, gases accumulate in the rectle and tend to be released from the recting – when a person is dead. John starts talking, is a laughing tone 14. What professor man says about farts obstruction on the day of burial? Professor: 15. Russian scientist has studied farts and fart exit through the skin out of the body. Farts must not be prevented from getting out of a person's body. If prevented, the gas is absorbed through the intestine into the bloodstream and blood bring farts under the skin and through the skin out. 16. This is what our professor says. I don't believe that. to the attention of scientists. John: 17. Indifferent, sly speech and Smell the wrist There will be gases of farts through my kin. Laugh... Did you thank? ohn, face strange looking Professor continues: LIE WEEPERS COME FROM THEATRE SCHOOL 18. I went to see the female students at the theatre school. 3 students he's going to cry at Henry's funeral. Let's invite a theater school student to tell us how to learn to cry. Fake cries increase trust and credibility. John 19. I can't cry, I can't grieve. I don't have any acting talent. I'm not an actor. ___________________ Phota Fake tears at fake funeral Professor continues: FALSE WEEPERS COME FROM THEATRE SCHOOL 20. I went to see the female students at the theatre school. 3 student he's going to cry at Henry's funeral. Let's invite a theater school student to tell us how to learn to cry. Fake cries increase trust and credibility. The professor speaks with certainties and assures: 21. The bad man has been akin to Henry for 4 months (even threats) We've been planning lie funeral for 5 months. We won't fail. ? - 100 % at the lie funeral. Let's not tell us. That's a lie. I DON'T PAY BILLS OR TAXES. 22. Now that I die, I throw my crank, I leave the bills and taxes unpaid. I have one wish for you dear friends. My eulogy at the funeral must be complimenting me. The professor writes. |
We will find roads to the removal of problems and
to the helping of the people. Successes more.
to the helping of the people. Successes more.