422.SYNOPSIS, TWICE DEAD HENRY AND EVENTSSynopsis, Twice dead Henry and events,Seppo Korpela Synopsis, Twice Dead Henry. Every 3-5 minutes, horror, excitement, wonder, laughter, the same life, events are understood, etc. The program calculates costs, problems can be solved. The manuscript/work is guided and improved by Quality People understand the events of the movie. The investor wants 0.5 million euros of money to improve 9 values of life: No carbon dioxide, no racism, no injustice, no belittling of women, etc. But the bank drainer knew about the money and visited the investor's home 43 times. He became a 'big' helper, the money has disappeared. I have an international idea for selling the film. I can not tell. Let's get excited about the 2 minute increase, work, FACT in entertainment. There are many movies available. Presenting everyday things does not increase interest. We want events. LOTS OF SUPPORT: YOUR GOALS ARE WORTH IT The investor gets a lot of support from people when he talks about investing almost 0.5 million euros for 9 values of life - to help people. Disappointment appeared, the money disappeared (True event in our family). LIVING ROOM 1. The bank account emptying agent comes to the investor's home for the 42nd time. According to the diaries. He scares people with their deaths. He secretly takes documents with him. Fraudulent looking man. SHOUTING STARTS AT HOME - CONTINUES AT THE BANK The investor received a shocking phone call: Your bank account is emptied of 66,425 e. The investor shouts at home: I haven't made any agreements about the money. In the bank: The investor continues to scream in the bank and collapses. The investor sits down on the floor of the bank. 10 horrified bank customers watch the event in shock. Investor: EXCITEMENT NO. 1 I HAVE NOT SIGNED THE EMPTYING OF THE 66,425 EURO ON THE BANK ACCOUNT. ALL BANK ACCOUNTS AND MONEY TRANSFERS FOR EFFECTIVE CONTROL. MANKIND, 7 BILLION PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED. HUMILIATION AND INSULT AGAINST HUMANITY'S VALUES OF LIFE. MY MONEY SHOULD BE USED TO HELP PEOPLE. NO INJUSTICE... NO CLIMATE THREATS... NO BECAUSE OF UNDERSTATEMENT OF WOMEN, LEARNING THROUGH. INVENTIONS... THE CLEARANCE WORK BEGINS, TRAP TO THE BANK ACCOUNT EMPTYER Friends, relatives and two experts gather at the investor's home: A trap is set against the bank account emptyer. When the bank emptyer comes, the conversations are listened to and provably recorded - behind the door.
LIVING ROOM 2 EXCITEMENT NO 2 Henry, the film's main character, comes into the kitchen angrily. Henry, a relative knows about emptying bank accounts and wills. Henry angrily: What did I hide under the table? Who is the mastermind behind the emptying of bank accounts? EUR 0.5 million has disappeared. The money is reserved for making 7 life values. I CAN NOT TELL. Angrily, I WILL NOT TELL… EVER. Henry knocks the table and money transferrer onto the floor. LAUGHTER NO. 1 Bank account emptyer smiling on the floor: EVERYTHING IS DONE FOR ME. This is too much for me. Still problems, build to topple the table. LOGO, (table is knocked over, accident prevented) In the yard a horseman came into the yard. You argued in court with the rapists: I lifted my skirt = it’s allowed to rape. I didn't lift my skirt. I lost the trial, my family paid 32,000 e in attorney's fees to you. … The rider: Kneel before me, what you have done is wrong! The lawyer laughs: Whore... Bitch. Whore, The wrestler takes hold of the man's neck, now you walk man... How does the sheep say, how does the rooster crow...? People laugh. LAUGHTER NO. 2 Grandpa first pisses on men who commit injustice. Faces are filmed, only at the end you can see: piss flying on the shoulders. The wrestler's, mother's little boy knows the wrong done by the lawyer. LAUGHTER NO. 3 Son runs: Mom, I set a Cannes record, I urinated on the lawyer's shoulder for 18 seconds. Grandpa ordered! There are other events in the yard. If the wrongdoers are lifted up on the wall of the building and nailed to the wall through their clothes, etc. (Explanation: People are fine with peeing in stories, the presentation is fine.) The film gave birth to AMBASSADORS OF HIGH VALUES FOR LIFE. The person promotes, declares high life values in public. Negotiator Henry is not allowed inside SLE Company's office. Kick to Henry's leg. EXCITEMENT NO. 2 WONDER NO. 1 Henry saws a hole in the door with a chainsaw, 40 X 40 cm. (PROBLEM NO. 4 solved) THIS LOGO IS ALREADY FOR SALE.
Henry saws a larger opening in the door and goes into the office. Henry takes some grapes from the table. There are stones, spit on the table! (Henry does not 'see' 6 men) The men are afraid. Horror expressions on 6 men.
HORROR NO. 1 THRILL NO. 3 Henry: What am I sitting here for? looking men. Man A: You are already practicing sitting in prison beforehand. Henry: Who among you is the mastermind when the investor's bank accounts were emptied? A total of EUR 0.5 million has been transferred to an unknown person. The money was intended for the 9 values of life. Injustice away... People are not despised, they are not mocked... Women Henry starts the chainsaw. Henry gives a "lecture" using a chainsaw on the top of an office desk. He saws patterns on the table. The climate threat is increasing, look at the curve going up. No racism, no scolding people, no injustice, no lowering the value of women, no sex slavery... One of the men approaches Henry with a brush. Henry uses a chainsaw to cut off the handle of the brush. At the same time, the blade touches the man's belt. The man's pants fall to the floor. BIG WONDERING: THE MAN HAS WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR AND STOCKINGS. (HARD PROBLEM SOLVED NO. 6.) LAUGHTER NO. 4 ____________________________ Office 2 Henry hid under the wide table in the SLE Company office as early as 8 o'clock in the morning. (PROBLEMS NO. 7, 8, 9 solved. Under the table my rack of iron for Henry. I do.) 6 men arrive at the office AT 9 A.M. The movie watchers know 20% of what is about to…happen. In the office, Man A: Also understand the investor's and Henry's demand: The investor has not signed the emptying of the bank accounts. The money was intended for the development of 9 values of life. Lawyer: We have nothing to worry about. Lawyers have a worldwide doctrine. The dispute can be prolonged for 6-8 years. Doctrine: the principal is helped, don't confess, the abuse is denied. The lawyer receives fees of 1,500 – 2,000 e/day. THRILLING 4 HORROR NO. 2 Man B: talking He is no longer competent in court... Henry is not adapted to living with humans. My brother can write crazy declaration for Henry. '2 pistol bullets' come from under the office desk towards the ceiling. '1. pistol bullet' lifts the coffee cup into the air, the coffee flies onto the table. ‘2. a pistol bullet' pierces the book on the table. The ceiling lamp fell onto the table. Henry appears... PROBLEMS NO. 10, 11 13... solved. Now THE HORROR, FEAR, SHOCK BEGINS AND THE BREATHING ACCELERATES FOR THE 6 MEN AT THE THE TABLE. Henry shouts: NOBODY MUST MOVE A CENTIMETER __________________________________ Henry hews down a big fir tree on the road. (I can hew accurately.) The police car can't drive after Henry. _____________________________ Henry has had time to do all kinds of things, there are haters, there are doubts. Henry's family wants to make Henry invisible: out of sight, out of mind. How does Henry die? The family's solution: A car accident is staged. Henry has been too self-centered when he wants to find out who was in charge of emptying the bank accounts. 7 high value of life does not make progress for the benefit of humanity. Henry's death planning meeting: Tasks are shared. A car accident is staged, blood, photos and evidence are needed to tell the truth. John: I can't cry. I have no acting gifts. WILL THERE BE LAUGHTER? _________________________ John steals a sheep from the pasture and puts the sheep in the back seat of the car. Blood is needed for filming a car accident. – THE SHEEP SHAT in the car. PROBLEM NO. 12 solved, picture on my website. LAUGHTER NO. 5 SAVINGS FROM SHOWING A CAR ACCIDENT. "Mountainside" in the studio, dusty ash Sunset photo, a ADDITIONALLY: A 200-euro crash car will be taken to a hillside from a car dealership. A tractor-digger breaks up the crash car (the hillside surroundings are not shown). A cheaper solution: The car has 'driven to the side and cut down trees' in the forest. His own story, when Henry's death is staged in a car accident. Blood in the car, on Henry's clothes. A lot of photos are taken of the car accident. They didn't know Henry walks away from the crash site naked as the last one. ____________________________________________ BREAKING INTO THE MORGUE John and Tony break into the morgue. 3 coffins are opened. The reason for the break-in: The clothes of a dead person are fetched for Henry: tomorrow, Saturday, is Henry's fake funeral. The coffin of the deceased man is opened. Structure of laughter correctly: First you have to speak 3... times: Can we open the coffin? Where does it open? Will we manage The coffin opens, but John and Tony are startled by the sight. A toothless man, the deceased's face had frozen into a smile - for the openers. HUGE LAUGHTER NO. 6 John and Tomi see a small children's coffin. Silence begins. The coffin is opened... John cries... I would have taken the girl for myself as a foster child...(African girl). There are floral arrangements for the deceased man. John removes the man's condolences and gives all the floral arrangements to the 11-year-old girl's coffin. John writes the new names on the slips: The city police are mourning the young’s departure. City leaders share the grief, + 4 others Henry: John speaks to the dead girl: John: John: Call your uncle, ask for advice, etc. LAUGHTER NO. 7 John shouts from the window: Why must the young die young? The echo answers... John and Tony leave the morgue. Stolen floral arrangements included. John at his mother's home: I offer belated congratulations to my dear mother, a floral arrangement here: Mother: You are a very exemplary person. You are a good example to the people of the world. LAUGHTER MAYBE NO. 8 __________________________________ Briefly: There are 3 hired mourners at Henry's funeral. Solution: the mourners are crying in Japan, filmed… savings, the same color festive cloth in the background. ONE EXAMPLE OF HUGE SAVINGS. Henry and Henry's coffin are brought to the funeral: CHEAP ANIMAL TRANSPORTATION TO THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE. John reverses the slaughterhouse car near the funeral:A tree falls. (A cheap solution if a 5 meter tall fir tree.) At fake funeral, John put too much onion in his eyes. Henry becomes distressed. Funeral crowd: John mourns Henry's death the most. _____________________________ Henry's fake funeral is interrupted, a relative, a daughter brings information. The daughter drives through people's gardens, flower fields. Angry looks at the driver. Message content: A bad man comes to inspect Henry's coffin at the funeral. A little time, minutes... Laura continues her 'blessing speech'. EXCITEMENT NO. 4 The funeral is interrupted. THE COFFIN HAS TO BE CARRIED BY 6 MEN TO THE GRAVE BY RUNNING. The front carrier trips on the wire. The coffin sinks into the sand. A living Henry flies out of the coffin. The coffin is steel-reinforced, it opens... Satan!… (For laughs, the plunge must not look like an accident) LOTS OF LAUGHTER NO. 9: Little girl: Mom, mom, Henry already rose from the dead, I saw this. The resurrection began. Or: A. I saw Henry. Henry already rose from the dead. Our sorrow now turns into joy. B. Henry is not dead. Henry goes on living. Dozens of problems have been solved (Grave in a studio, because otherwise there may be a death in a natural grave. A 2 meter deep grave may cave in and fill with gravel.) The uncle: There were 120 people at the funeral yesterday. Henry will definitely go to heaven. Henry: LAUGHTER NO. 9 I wasn't accepted. The uncle gets shocked and vomits the bun and coffee on the coffee table. __________________________ The sound of a police car is heard. Henry opens the gate and lets 20 sheep onto the road. Henry takes 6 haystacks on his shoulders and walks down the road. A police car stops: Have you seen a man and a woman? Henry: I'M NOT BUYING ANYTHING. I ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING, I'm not buying. WONDER 2 Female friend: MY HUSBAND IS DEAF. Lots of wonder in store for stories. Henry on the run with the car. The police follow... Henry uses an angle grinder to cut off the roof of the car on the side of the road. The car turned into a sports car. Or the car is painted with a brush...bright red. __________________________________ Escape trip Henry and the female friend are looked for. Henry and the female friend are very afraid. Henry and the female friend have to get out of the police cordon. Briefly: Henry and a female friend hide in 2 coffins. The people in the hearse go for coffee inside the gas station. Henry takes the man out of the deceased's coffin and throws the man into the rapids (stunt). (man: a display window model is thrown to the rapids, sinking is prevented)
DEMONSTRATION, TOO MANY CARS. There are now 2 coffins with living people. The hearse leaves... the "demonstrator" remains. People wonder... Fishermen find a body in the river. Henry is already far away. News. MORE DOUBTS START TO ARISE ONE IDEA OF THE MOVIE IS Henry's death is staged unprofessionally. UNPROFESSIONALLY DONE WORK IS BEGINNING TO BE CONSTANTLY EXPOSED 6... ______________________ SCANDAL, 5 GRAVE IS BEING OPENED 1. The coffin will be inspected... – the coffin will be taken running to the cemetery. 2. The child saw Henry in the grave and said: Henry already rose from the dead. 3. 2 liters of blood have been spilled inside the car. The blood was tested: Sheep blood. Please explain! 4. Henry's crashed car: The young people find Henry's 'guts': There is grass inside the gut. Henry lived on grass. Is it true? 5. 5 graves are opened. There are soil bags inside the two coffins - as weight. What does this mean? Who? The protesting woman had been taken out of the coffin. Please explain these. HELL WILL RISE. News. 5 graves and coffins are opened. HENRY'S FAMILY IS QUESTIONED. What do these mean? LOTS OF JOBS FOR FILM PEOPLE. Please family explain the strange things. Also the Spanish 18 year old girl; the grave and the coffin are opened: The girl is naked in the coffin. EXPLAIN WHY? What about Henry: He will soon be on run in Germany 'mentally ill'. __________________________________ Henry arrives at the inn Good afternoon, Good afternoon. Welcome. We have the wanted man, sleeping medicine for him along with white wine. The police will catch the man now. The manager returns to Henry: The room is for you... Time passes, discussing...It's not interesting for the viewers. 6 minutes later the notification appears Hotel manager: The toilet is over there and shows the direction with his hand. Henry approaches the door and thinks the door is the toilet door. There are 2 goblets on the table. The note for Henry is in front of a goblet. There is a poison token on a bottle on the table. THE EXCITEMENT STARTS NO. There is more white wine in Henry's goblet. Henry changes glasses. But. Henry crouches down... Henry urinates in the glass, now there is more white wine in his glass. The waiter comes and offers 2 glasses to the table. Sly look. Henry: You are good to customers. You have a friendly and warm service for guests. The manager: Kindness is modern. The motorcycle leaves the front of the inn due to the force of the strong accelerating. Leader: The waiter's meal break has started. Both drink white wine. Henry must practice dying HENRY STARTS TO SHAKE, HAND, HEAD SHAKES. Fun to watch. (not too much vibration, won’t be believed) Shoot of the manager, 1 second, Curious smile. What is the manager’s facial expression? VIEWERS GET THE IMAGE OF HENRY HAVING DRANK THE WRONG GLASS OF POISON. The manager collapses into a difficult bent position in the chair - he falls to the floor. Henry gets up to look at the manager's calendar. Henry tears out a page of the diary and leaves the hotel. The End. He calls the police from a phone booth (What year are we living in?) _______________________________________ I have received feedback from the world. 2. The quality of stories etc. should be opened up for use. Quality for the Better has given support to learning and learners, thanks are coming. 3. New 'inventions' for storytelling and new ways of working are bringing a rise to the finances of film companies. 4. A savings program of tens of thousands of euros arouses interest And many other new things are emerging. We would have to make a movie together I have a lot of help in my 'portfolios' to get the job done. My song is sung: Let's talk about the stories. THANK YOU FOR READING. 37200 Siuro NOKIA Finland www.thrillingfilmfinland.com |
We will find roads to the removal of problems and
to the helping of the people. Successes more.
to the helping of the people. Successes more.