See caricature
I've been drawing caricatures Seppo Korpela Nokia.

The Finns obey the German instructions of the life a lot in the EU work, I went to go to the graveyards during the trips of Spain and Portugal - before Angela Merkel ordered to go.

The script: The secret police goes fired seven bullets through the coffin at a funeral 200 people in fron

- Your brother came once in civilian clothes In the restaurant. The women said: That man, I'd take myself a possession.


Secret groups, the conspiracies work, against the people -secretly. I have got post from the world. Negotiate + talk with a bad human being. Post from Americans: Has a drawback come to you?

I have discussed with the
person of the conspiracy:
'We have had a difficult
The racism begins about conspiracies
= secret groups. The conspiracies try to
break the EU, the creation of new jobs.
I drew the picture of the person of the secret group; the success does not
interest conspiracies.


It is the values of life,

the female actors are not on a low-value parts.
The female actors are not moving naked in the film.

2. You're lying so that your teeths are swinging.
My eyes do not lie (?) For me.
There are the photos of a naked woman.
3. John and Tony broke into the room of body. They opened three coffin.
The 19-year-old lady was in one coffin.

John took off his clothes off the lady and photographed her.
Only 10 people know, that Henry
is buring down to falsely on Saturday.

3000 people know wrong the magazine because of the story that Henry died in a car accident.
One out of ten a relative asks: How do you yourself have convincing and credible at the funeral?

Henry's breath has not left on a car accident toward the heaven.
We bury always credibly.
Henry blew his own breath to the balloon. Today I let the balloon up into heaven.

Petteri Jarvinen, digital Dr, Finland:
Robots are not a danger to humans. Women, a needless suspicion away.

With Girl robots is not raised by infidelity

John has too much imagination: - The Information technology to help a young and shy man + lady are seeing each orher.
There is no need of hands with the woman when ...

The world's youth is no longer
contact with people.
Contacts have been reduced.

Today I have had already in contact with 16 people.