414. FINANCIER: REPUTATION DOES NOT GO DOWNThere is no rise in professionalism and success harm to the film director and not to the trainer. The financier corrected the wrong ideas. I presented my writings on this website to 22 people. Along were financier, investor, company representative, actors, advertisers, film director, etc. I: Actors should be helped/directed already in the script express stories in a funny way, with facial expressions. The digital twin also guides to increase successes, increase quality, increase professionalism, increase company profits, etc. ____________________________ __________________________ _____________________________ A 17-year-old girl was murdered by a man. Suspected The actors thought the development thing was good. Film director: - I'm not in favor of it. The instructor has time to direct. I stood up and said firmly: - The value of a film director does not decrease if the staff's professionalism rises up. The instructor can spend his time on something else – high-value to the point for the film to be successful. The doctoral researcher has verified this: no danger It is a good idea to add instructions to the page of the manuscript digital from the side of the twin. There is a horse in my own story. In the beginning, the actor approaches / works behind the horse, near the hind legs (fortunately, there is a plate in front) The horse kicks back because the horse thinks
as a threat to the one behind. The threat can be a shadow,
Healthy for work - healthy home Digital twin advises and must be followed
- Movies need a quality certificate, better quality. Life is
_____________________________________ Condolences from people in the cultural sector to grief (helped the cultural sector a lot)
We will find roads to the removal of problems and
to the helping of the people. Successes more.
to the helping of the people. Successes more.