209. TOOLS FOR SUCCESSThe post has come from America andChina. We need ’to hand’ tools how we get more professional skill, know-how, income, career.. The question is very valuable and the wise persons' thoughts. Thanks for the questions. (The digital programme and an artificial intelligence are unfinished) MANAGEMENT, digital programme a work will come from far. The management will be wrong when you are controlled and is ordered. (I don't take orders from you) Management right: Professional skill, new learning is increased in the subordination of the digital programme. THE WORKERS SOLVE THEMSELVES
AWAY PROBLEMS, THE DRAWBACKS, SO THATPROFESSIONAL SKILL, KNOW-HOW, SUCCESS INCREASE Management right: DIGITAL PROGRAMME: What part of the quality does produce income and success to actors? We discussed during the meetings: should the actor strengthen only those parts of the professional skill which are already good? What parts of the quality have failed to develop from 24? Digital programme to direct. What thanks do we receive the quality better of our acts? Objective 9%. Tension 14%. Wondering 5%. Laughters 17% (the laughters hang what moment is estimated ). The same life 4%. I understand the story 12%. Economy: the costs decreased The professional skill of the people of the film field increased. The professional skill of the actors improved most because the work also is seen. Wrong work method and the problems of the persons were obtained away. Ja problems which prevent working. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The second tormentor came towards me. The investor has promised development money to the readers, learners. By money is opposed racism, the women are not underrated, the young people learn more, the climate clean, for the doing of the film, for digital programme … tormenting to you! The administration resists your helping. I worked myself ’ ’ as lawyer’ ’ 105 pages complaint, that we will get money for learning… I am writing... |
We will find roads to the removal of problems and
to the helping of the people. Successes more.
to the helping of the people. Successes more.