405. NEW PROFESSIONS, NEW SKILLS1. I will reduce the generation of CARBON dioxide and therelease into the atmosphere. 2. I reduce unnecessary expenses, I make savings. 3. I price the work to be done in creating stories (price reviews / interest in) ________________________
5. I add 24 quality improvement to the content of the film. _____________________
IN A GROUP, IN A COMPANY, IN ME: __________________________ THE CONTENT OF THE MANUSCRIPT DETERMINES SUCCESS The script immediately directs you to reduce the cost of producing the film with the help of the digital program. The digital programme directs the script from the beginning:
Carbon dioxide is reduced by the programme. _________________________ Photo: People have the wisdom to reduce carbon dioxide NEW SKILLS: YOU'RE LOOKING FOR SAVINGS From the very beginning, the digital programme directs you to reduce the cost of completing the film. The expensive operations are changed to cheaper ones. IMPORTANT: quality not bad because of work is always done _____________________
Salminen taught me: Problems away skills The program teaches you how to evaluate and reduce work that is not necessary for viewers and listeners. Note the quality is not
calculated with the help of the digital program. Note the quality is not calculated even if unnecessary costs are eliminated. On the contrary, doing value to work, stories and
more work for people.
MAKE MORE VALUE, YOU'RE VALUABLE YOURSELF High value means: more productive, more valuable, more money to look at. Professionalism and know-how are increasing and the path to careers is improving. __________________________
My successful work: The film's screenwriter suggested the story on 5. Expensive story. And the story wasn't significant. The development of the story was stopped, saving €52,000. The new and interesting event cost €13,400. An example: a small value for work, a story: The actor lay downon the ground, the shirt is cut off with the help of scissors. The bullet has gone through the heart spot. A red blood paint is dropped at the hole. The eyes closed and motionless while filming for a moment. The event costs nothing, professionalism low for the actor. We've heard thousands of people already. And the same questions: Who killed N/ are you guilty?
We will find roads to the removal of problems and
to the helping of the people. Successes more.
to the helping of the people. Successes more.