11. Group meeting, May 2017
The young people want to
have cooperation and up
in the life.
The young people have wanted to act in the story of the film. The learning and more growth are wanted up. There are also opponents. The reforms are not needed, the young people do not get a in the life on an easier one than the older people.
We answer:
- Many new approaches. - Reforms. - Innovations. - Digital programme. - - Improvement of quality and entertainment up. - Programmes.
A demanding work, they develop skills up. A young person acts the professor among others. The professor has been given notice about the work because he went near the student girls. He wants for marrying with a girl.
The student girl will go into the professor's room and asks what number I got about a will examination? The professor locks the door of his room. The professor talks... 7 inchs from near of… 1st sentence about the student girl.
- This is to me too much.
> What did this mean?
The post has come from China.
1. The digital programmes, the digital economy first creates up unemployment.
2. My expert group answers: The number of the jobs will increase down when the quality of service, entertainment is increased up. The work is refined into valuable upwards.
Companies: 27% does not know how helps for people.
The young people's life will be facilitated forward when the ways of the success are known beforehand.
The technology leader of Northern Europe Darren Robinson:
Your finger’s traces after is seen.
- We are at in the net also the leisure. We make a note of a small and big note in a social medium. Your act, feelings, the writings are filed in. SOMEBODY LOOKS AT YOUR PAST later years. The instruction forward: Promote the good values of the life, learning, reforms, development up. = good image from you. In social medium, if sometimes somebody follows you. Director Robinson: What kind of way of life has the human being had during the years which have gone, the future is of a lot the same.
Bad direction of the world:
5 million pages of a valuable information are hidden from young people in world (a estimate).
Brexit. Bad example from Britain. Brexit. Britain has hiding of 58 milliard euros down to the dark. 1.5.2017 German Frankfurter Allgemeire Zeitung, in other words FAZ told.
The Britain's secret wish is
that The EU Brexit’s agreement is hidden down. It is hidden and not talked how Britain begins to discriminate 450 million the EU citizens can be discriminated against.
Britain would get up a confidence and credibility when the secrecy would end down. Debts, 58 milliard euros would be paid to 27 countries. Britain is asked, accepted and used out the services. 58 Milliard euros for the use must be paid off.
The film field can get the wrong examples. A money help is given and admitted doubtfully.
1. Forbidden to the relatives now. 2. Secret agreements for dozens of millions. Colleagues, familiar, friends grant me money, I will later grant you money.
3. The service is priced over the use of money. ____________________________________________
Finland, film, boots cost under 1 million in the film.
Russia: Film producer Ilkka Matila, Kopiosto paper:
The help of the film is granted 1 million euros. You will only get support if you give a dark money to me.
Do the work with my family, the uncle's boy works by 500 000 e. The money has disappeared down in the country.