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What_do_we_wait_Paras_1.JPG9. Authors of the
value  is winning

Authors of the value have

In the future the authors of the value will
get work, income, supporters and popularity.
The Authors of the value is winning. The
addition of the value is work and the end of
the work  is more valuable work than earlier
work.  Examples of the adding of the value.
You help more people in the life.


The objectives will become closer when
objectives make ligger to himself.

The work way became easier and lighter.
You formulated the text, the work of the
service    new and valuable etc.. The end
product is more expensive. The value of
my work and my learning is increasing

Company was going to the

sky or to hell

I saved 8 companies up. The company and
gravestones__graveyard_cemetory.JPGthe workers went to the gate of the death.
We did not spend a funeral.    1St    The
newwork ways were brought into use.

Values are added more to the end of the
work.    2Nd The work was taught how you
do the work more easily and by the new
way. 3Rd It was controlled that the safety
of the workers and company improves.


This is the teaching film

The teaching film means that the young Osaamista_1.JPG
people are making the film along. Values
of the life:    The people are not
discriminated against a sex, religion,
country, age, race... on grounds of.


I have got post from the west world from the
girls from the women: Big country; big film
producer has demanded:

The girls should act reasonably: they lift the
skirt up... in evening...Nainen_kyynel_2.jpg

We create neither walls nor quarrels in
front of the people

Quality is of the values of

the life

My quality group discussed:   The girls',
women's  share of the film more. Example:
Wedding, the bad man WILL DISTURB the
wedding party.  The ADDITION:   The


woman   approaches the bad man: DO YOU

= in power species. The bad man did not
understand,  he only said: - Congratulations.

Quality is of the women's


The women's girls’s value will rise up when
the women's and girls' share increases in
the film. It is a big demand when the girls’
and the women’s makings are 28%. The
demanding acts.

The Chinese convince:Kiina_kulta_aurinko_1.JPG

Much help the digital of

The success requires the digital system to
direct the films and to improve
entertainment. 1St Quality better system.
The rest of the work is valuable. 2nd the
digital programme adds a profession skill
and  know-how to the persons. 3rd the
digital programme helps teachers and
leaders to succeed forward.


High technological know-how, 22 parts add
in the programme higher than the thinking.
The success will come. Many work.
Translating of the language, newspaper
articles, selling, campaigns.

The Chinese have said that they want to
create stability and growth to the film field.
Our politics does not quarrel away out of our
reform work.

Support and investments. 3 quality certificates
are created into the communication for China.

The success of the film field
centre is start up.


Solved. It solves technical problems for
example, how by the horse it is ridden behind
the stomach, in a horizontal position, in a
hiding place out of the search party.

Post from world:

The results of our workers' work are secretly
followed, the hole on the wall. Foreman: Work
more hard, shorter coffee break. The leader
has not visited to meet us for 6 months. What
is our value? It is not worthwhile to talk about
the establishment of the own company, the
speaker is envied wrong of 100 per cent
downwards. ( in English)



The valuable information is going. The valuable
information is not distributed especially to
women. I want to rise up at the workplace,
not you.

Post from students
What pisses of the studying?

The students should be supported through
the  SUPPORT PERSON, Good development
matter Start Up.

The student has an adult support person. The
problems of the student are solved away. 1st

What is now a problem? 2nd  The studying is
difficult because there is studying too speedy.
study_studying_inventions_1.jpgADDITIONAL TEACHING. 3rd The economy
difficulties. The expenses are bigger than the
incomes. 4th  There are difficulties with the
people. The man omitted out of me. The
woman omitted out of me. 

Finnish girls the 2nd best in theworld, boys the
10th best the in world – in reading. The girls will
go to the university 60%. On the papers many
solutions are written. If Finland's   ’disease’
spreads into other boys of the world - bad school
the successes will come to the boys.  Seppo
Korpela Nokia  Finland