305. CHAMPION URINATED ON The FACE6 riders will find out €0.5 million transfer of money. EUR 0.5 million was in the bankto help goodwill. The person moved away, good deeds missed. ___________________ 1. Rider LIFE VALUES ARE PUT IN FRONT – NOT ABANDONED You went to the investor's house 42 times to talk. - You yourself made 8 different documents and transferred more than EUR 500,000 of the investor's money away from high-value assistance jobs. The money is out of the help job, (StartUp invention) depreciation means more racism, the climate threat, the difficulties of people and businesses, sex slavery, terrorist attacks on the capitals of 44 states. No money for film school
Second person in the family LEARNING AND GOOD DEEDS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT You used with your speeches to lure away the depressed and anxious person's banking and equity assets for Sley activities. The amounts were numbered children's life, support for children and international learning. And international goodwill. People are angry. 3. rider: In the horse stable, we talked about what wrong ways of working you've done to the people of the world. The world's lawyers are using words to support your actions: We deny There is no problem. In the horse stable, we talked about what wrong ways of working you've done to the people of the world. The world's lawyers are using words to support your actions: We deny There is no problem. 7 BILLION PEOPLE WISH: CARBON DIOXIDE WOULDN'T RISE IN THE SKY 3. rider: You made the wrong examples for 7 billion people! Seven billion people are at risk of global warming - storms, rains, Exporter of money: - You have the brains of a pig! 1. rider: An anti-racism and anti-climate invention would have been needed, 1 billion people could be mock, despise based on the color of your skin. Do you have any understanding, When you took the development money away? You took away the StartUp invention money to prevent terrorist attacks. The act contributes to terrorist attacks. Kneel the public Sley man before me on the ground, let's negotiate. Exporter of money: - I never obey a woman.
_____________________ Rider 1. stands on the horse's back. Woman jumps and makes a lap in the air before the ground bottom The exporter of the money is horrified, frightened, humbled, becomes a fact.
______________ Photo, Maaseudun tulevaisuus Do you know who I am? I'm Europe's champion in women's weightlifting, gold medal came. The rider rippes off the money exporter's shirt. The rider grabs the exporter by the neck and moves the man forward. I asked what to do with high life values wrong for users? Women urinate on wronged people |
We will find roads to the removal of problems and
to the helping of the people. Successes more.
to the helping of the people. Successes more.