420. PROFESSIONALISM IMPROVES, TOP NOTCHMAKING WORK EASIER There are ways to increase the professionalism, success of HELP FOR STAFF Past: I presented: Under the text of the film script adding how horror is made, how a man is hidden under a very wide tabletop. Table there are 6 men in front of them. And then _______________________________________ Photo: Money is coming, success is coming I received stark opposition I proposed an improvement: I got banned. No to actors, 'Inventions' in the film industry improve quality, It is ridiculous to talk about inventions, the invention is I WANT NEW LEARNERS TO BE HEROES Reforms are needed in the film industry and these tools are: inventions that help the works of actors, improve cinematography __________________________________________
Making horror is an 'invention'. Henry 'shoots' from under the Answer: What kind of facial expressions does Henry have He takes the cookie out of his mouth and lowers it onto A woman walks 100 ! meters at hand. Woman depends on A NORMAL PERSON CANNOT. For example: Henry hides under a wide tabletop. I'll make Example 2. Henry
blood is needed for a fake funeral, Henry died in a ’car-accident’. John steals a sheep from pasture. Sheep lifted into the back YOU ACT WITH FACIAL EXPRESSIONS
'My invention': FACIAL EXPRESSIONS ARE PRACTICED WITHOUT WORDS. I made an 'invention' to increase the professionalism of the The actor acts with the help of mere facial expressions and Well acted if children ask in the store in the checkout queue. There's Tony: Tony doesn't can marry. Tony doesn't know _________________________________________________ __________________________________ Films are shaped by a book made by others Pages. I found out, INHERITANCE MONEY IS EXPECTED 'FORCIBLY' My second script has gone ahead. Father's inheritance money _______________________________________________ TRUST IN YOUR PROFESSIONAL SKILLS MUST Professor Kirsimarja Blomqvist, Kauppalehti reported Over- Within 10 minutes you should insure / prove -Study... - I'm developing... - Heal... - Making a new one... - the quality is improved by 24 parts of quality... - with the help of inventions, great savings are obtained... - quality improvement directs to make HORROR, EXCITEMENT, LAUGHTER, SAME LIFE TO THE STORY... - events are made real. Trust should be created in face-to-face meetings or - evenmore difficult when writing text... ___________________________________________
Manuscript/work is guided and improved by Quality for the work is faster, easier, problems are eliminated years in advance, we succeed, savings, staff learn new ways of working, therewill be certainty, etc. People understand the events of the film. Bank account drainervisited 43 times at the investor's home. Investor No carbon dioxide, No racism, no injustice, no belittling of women, etc. Now the money is gone. Lead actor Henry investigates Henry's story, who died twice, sells on HIGH VALUES AMBASSADOR. The ambassador can talk about e.g. less carbon dioxide... |
We will find roads to the removal of problems and
to the helping of the people. Successes more.
to the helping of the people. Successes more.